What is your creative process like?

I think I feel like because I haven't done any traditional training so much, it's always changing. So I feel like I've been on this kind of like journey. Yeah, things have been changing a lot recently. And also I'm about to go and do a Masters so I imagine they'll change even more. But I would say it like ideas for paintings usually just arrived in my head reasonably fully formed. I'll just have like a flash of an image, and then I'll write it down, or I've tried to get more into sketching recently, and kind of draw things. So I yeah, I'll have like a kind of a flashing, something I want to make, and then I'll try and start drawing. I'll try and draw just from my mind. So sometimes my fingers look a bit crazy. And then I would say, I kind of start trying to find references that are similar to the bodies I'm wanting to make. Or I take photographs, or a lot recently, I've been kind of taking figures from historical paintings. I have figures in those paintings... there's something about the like, form, that I'm like, well, I'm gonna take that figure. And then I start painting and then everything usually goes different. Yeah, I tend I don't tend to draw things out, I tend to just go straight in with paint. And I'll spend quite a bit of time moving things. I try and like really spend time on the like drawing stage and mapping things out. But then I always rush it. And then I always have to like, correct things for so long.
